Sunday, August 25, 2013

Star Surround QAL

I tried to catch up today... Two weeks ago when the block centers came out, I didn't have enough time to sew them before going on vacation. And then vacation just ended Tuesday...and I went to work both Wednesday and Thursday. Friday was spent on campus with my daughter getting her ready for her JUNIOR year at SDSU (woop woop). Saturday was laundry day which finally was finished today. I'm not complaining about that one as more than half of the loads were new fabric I bought (what can I say...except a few more projects are going to be in work this year!). I had done some of the sewing last night but got too tired/frustrated and went to bed. I had pieced a different quilt too yesterday which I need to get done in the next two weeks...

So, here's where I am...

very close, huh? I just do not have the small corner blocks sewn. I could have done them and did have one set done...but then moved the block around as I didn't like the combination. I'm not thrilled with some of the pairing in the corners as they are too much the same. I did match the fabrics with the centers, but I think I may move them around still...

Oh and three of the centers I want to rip out and resew. I didn't like the way they turned out when I pressed them. I tried to press them open, but I had a harder time of that then if I had pressed them to the side and locked them. That's what I did on the other 6 and it was a lot easier!

 I'll let it sit until tomorrow and then I'll look at it again. I do like it better in miniature online!


  1. It looks fantastic. I always love looking at my layouts on the computer, makes it so much easier to see it all and how it blends :) Sorry you had to do some ripping, no fun :(
