Friday, May 31, 2013

Status update...

I forgot to post my progress from last holiday weekend.  I started on backings...but then switched to the quilt I needed to get done...and then late Monday, needed to get one more backing done.

So, on Wednesday, I dropped off 4 quilts to be quilted!!! YEAH!!!

Two are for gifts, one is a top I pieced a few years ago...and the 4th was similar to one I made as a gift so I figured it could be quilted the same. I should have them back early August at the latest...which is awesome. I love to bind and that part will go very quick. I hope to get the rest of the backings and battings done in the next week or two so that I can pick up completed quilts...and drop off more!

The one baby quilt I made I showed to the future Grandpa and it met with approval so I'm very glad about that!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Works in Progress

I pulled out all of the tops I have made and made a list of them. There's almost an even dozen. On this holiday weekend, my goal is to have backs and battings made for most or all of them and then take them to the quilter...except for one little quilt and a table runner. I also have 4 or so table runners. All of these I plan to quilt myself...either with some straight lines or some free motion. I've been practicing a little bit and need to spend more time...

I've also got a couple of quilts to a baby quilt I want to get complete before September.

I've been bad at blogging over the past 6 months or so, and I hope to do a lot of work and posting from this point forward.

I'm also piecing a pickle dish quilt that is a hard pattern to piece. It's nice to have something a little more challenging...except when stressed out and then I've been finishing very small projects!

The quilt tops came out as I need to reorganize my space too...lots of work to do so I better get to it!