Saturday, March 19, 2011

Friday night move night

Last night, DH and I went to the movies again. We saw The King's Speech. Another two thumbs up! Great movie and Colin Firth totally deserved the Oscar. DH and DD kept waiting for "pirate" lines from Jeffrey Rush (he was awesome too).

I've been looking for a couple of photos from our trip to Brian Head in January and I finally found them.

Here's the end of the plowed portion of Hwy 148 from Brian Head. See how high the snow is? They had 100 inches before we visited in January. That's our rental Suburban for scale...
 After leaving Brian Head, we traveled down to Cedar City and then came back up that way to Cedar Breaks. So here's the same road from the opposite end and where they stopped plowing it... crazy amount of snow, huh?
 And here's my DH showing you how high the snow really was in the little parking area near the end of the road. My DH is 5ft you know the scale.
I'm working on some projects and nothing to post yet. I've got a couple of quilt tops complete, so I'll see if I can get some photos taken of them to upload. In the meantime, here's an oldie and goodie. The quilt that started it mother's Tree of Life (at least, that's what I call it).

When my mom passed away, this was just a quilt top. It took me 10 years of classes and making my own quilts to realize I couldn't finish it...but I did have access to someone who could. A great long arm quilter quilted this and I bound it and it now hangs in a spot of honor in my home. I hope my mom would be proud that it's done.

1 comment:

  1. I know Mom would be proud of you!

    It's a beautiful quilt.
