Saturday, September 14, 2013

Complete - Doing the Twist using Bungle Jungle kit

While on vacation in August, I picked up a quilt kit at Mother's Originals Quilt Shop in Pequot Lakes, MN. The kit contained the Doing the Twist pattern from Pieced Tree patterns and all of the fabrics for the top and binding based on a print of Bungle Jungle (from Moda). The kit fabrics were wonderful as the woman that owns the shop has a great eye for putting things together. She is also very generous in her fabric. I had enough extra for the backing as I typically like the blanket binding for baby quilts...

Here's the finished quilt:
Cute, huh? If you know the pattern, you know that I accidentally mixed up the placement of the blue and pattern in the border... Oh well! Once I had figured it out, I had the entire top together and I was not going to rip it out! I think it looks fine and no one will know - except those of you who read my blog!

Here's a close-up of some of the quilting:
The quilting is loops and circles...with some of the animal names quilted within the center also... If you can see it, this photo has the "phant" part of "elephant" up between the giraffe and the elephant. My LAQ is super talented!!!

Here's the back:
See? So much extra fabric I used it for the backing! I had two small sections to add to the top and bottom in yellow, but there was barely any of it left showing when complete! I don't label my quilts, but I do sign them in sharpie marker with both my name/city and the name/city of my LAQ - plus the month and year completed.

This quilt was made for a coworker's new grandson that was born a week before I finished the quilt. I brought it to work with me and she showed everyone she could think of there...and then took it to her daughter that evening. It was a hit with everyone, especially those quilted animal names!!!

I haven't finished that many quilts this year yet, and this one has me motivated to make two others - one new mom is due in November and the other mom is expecting her second child in March. I need to get started on the quilt for November... I hear it's more woodland creatures in muted green/blue/earth tones...

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