Sunday, January 15, 2012

Autumn Pineapple x2 and Rainbow Feathered Star

Last weekend, I started in on organizing my stash. I have some great wire baskets that fit under my cutting table and hold most of the fabrics I own. My cutting table is an old table my husband and his mother redid over 20 years ago and lived in his boyhood bedroom and then in our garage for lots of years. I put bed risers on it and now it's a great cutting height. I then put the basket system I bought from the hardware store underneath, modifying the height to fit exactly. I can fit 3 large baskets in each of 3 frames (so 9 baskets of storage).

I've had two baskets full of the cuttings from quilts I've made. So, I emptied out those two and either put the big pieces back into the sorted-by-color stash, or I cut them up into 2.5 inch squares...unless they were strings and then I made a separate pile for them. I've saved the little plastic containers from the smallest size of frozen lasagna and the squares fit perfectly within the containers. I now have a dozen or so containers full of squares sorted by color. YIKES! I do have two projects I'm making with the squares and I've been collecting patterns to make from them as well. I was down to 4 containers...

I had one complete empty basket after all of this, so I emptied out a plastic tub that I also had some of my stash within... Yep, I know, it's bad, I have 4 plastic bins with precuts, started tops or "kits", old quilt tops, and stuff to make at least 2 t-shirt quilts. The plastic tub had an incomplete quilt top and then a bunch of jelly rolls and charm packs. These are now in a basket, except the quilt top which is now with three others waiting for backings and battings. The quilt top is similar to this one - just without the applique:
I forget how I pieced the pinapple blocks above...probably from the pattern I used. The second quilt top was made used pre-printed fabric for the blocks. It has the same/similar fabrics as the quilt above and I put it aside as I didn't have the applique patterns handy, and then didn't want to do them. I've decided to finish the quilt without the applique and put it in the pile of "quilts to sell".

I also spent the weekend typing in all of the information I had in hard copy on the quilts I've made AND creating a list of books I own. These are both to help me with the goals I have for the year.

I did a little sewing last night to make a backing for a Rainbow Feathered Star quilt top I've had for a long time also. I finally decided it's fine at the size it is (under 40" square). It'll go to the quilter on Tuesday as the black/white/red quilt is finally ready for pickup. Here's a picture from 2006 (geez, that long ago??!) of the quilt top:

Actually, the top now has a row all around of "geese" that were made using 1/2 square triangles. I have another bundle of the hand dyed material that I bought and got the pattern for free, so I can make the quilt again if I want... I took this picture and then played with different patterns to figure out what to put around it. The geese look really good and "fit"...

I have one more little project to finish tonight. A coworker received a quilt as a gift and instead of using it to snuggle under, she wants to put a hanging sleeve on it and have it hang. She gave me the quilt and the binding to use for the sleeve, so I'm going to sew that for her - it should take 1/2 hour or less!

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