Sunday, February 12, 2012

Pink & Purple Hearts

I finished a quilt top this weekend that I started back in January. I had 3 of 4 blocks made. I made the 4th block and then decided I still had TONS of pink & purple blocks, so I put a border between the blocks and then around the perimeter. The quilt top is now 42 x 44 and I think it's a great size for my table. Here's the top:
My daughter thinks some of the purple was too dark next to the edge, but I think it'll be ok. I made it as a table topper so next Valentines day, I'll be able to put it on my table!

I also completed two backings - for both of my Starry Eyes quilts. They are very similar. Here's #1:

And here's #2:

Now I'm going to get busy and cut some batting so I can get these quilts done!! (Yep, I have about 5 now that just need battings...and 3 that need backings and batting!)

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! Love the hearts, purple and pink!

    Guess we know what you've been up to lately!


