Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Red/White/Blue interlocking stars - squares

Here's the next thing I'm working on ... it's an interlocking stars quilt in red, white and blue using my 2.5" squares. Here's the stack of star points that need trimming. This is the next thing I have to do...
I need to trim these and pair them with their centers. Here's all of the sets that I have trimmed so far:
Here's some squares and triangles in sets waiting for sewing (the blue triangles) and cutting into triangles (the red squares):
Here's the stack of blue and red squares to eventually be made into blocks:
 I love having this all in stages and in the basket. Now to get those top squares trimmed so that I can sew some more!!!

Happy Leap Day! 2012 Leap Year!!

Happy Leap Day! I've read a bunch of stuff today about the special things people are doing today with it being leap day... what did I do special? Took my family to dinner...that was about it. My question at work today was "why can't we get an extra Saturday?" Leap day on Wednesday just means...the

I'm usually a positive person and I'd like to be today, only it's Wednesday on a 5 day work week..and it's been BUSY. Two more days until the weekend and counting...

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Pink & Purple Hearts

I finished a quilt top this weekend that I started back in January. I had 3 of 4 blocks made. I made the 4th block and then decided I still had TONS of pink & purple blocks, so I put a border between the blocks and then around the perimeter. The quilt top is now 42 x 44 and I think it's a great size for my table. Here's the top:
My daughter thinks some of the purple was too dark next to the edge, but I think it'll be ok. I made it as a table topper so next Valentines day, I'll be able to put it on my table!

I also completed two backings - for both of my Starry Eyes quilts. They are very similar. Here's #1:

And here's #2:

Now I'm going to get busy and cut some batting so I can get these quilts done!! (Yep, I have about 5 now that just need battings...and 3 that need backings and batting!)