Monday, March 28, 2011

When in rains in California...

I had a g-r-e-a-t weekend! I actually had several pockets of sewing time (rain is nice)! Without intentionally trying to, I've been working through the items I bought on a quilt run in March. The run was 16 stores in one weekend in San Diego county. I guess I bought the correct amount of tools, patterns and (yes) fabric to work through most of what I bought... This is a pattern I bought...

I was going to order it through a catalog, but when I found it at a local store PLUS they had a great sample at the store so I knew it was EXACTLY what I wanted, I snapped it up. I had several yards but only 10" of a border print left over from another project.

Since the pattern cuts down to 8.5", it worked perfectly. Here's one runner with my lovely looking (and smelling) daffodils.

 Here's the funny thing... This runner took under an hour to make... it's sooooo easy! It took me the better part of a day to make the backing for it, and that was using a 30" pieced square of fabrics from the same project!! Needless to say, it's not complete...

Here's a close up of the corner piecing. Super easy project! LOVE love LOVE the way it's looking!
 And here's a close up of those daffodils. They are my favorite! My DH bought them for me from a fundraiser at work. They smell wonderful still (it's been almost a week too and they are still this gorgeous!)!!

1 comment:

  1. Love the runner! I'm glad you kept some of the pansy fabric. Looks good!
